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The earnings of a wise person should be more than what he actually needs, and he should keep some savings aside to recompense for his loss lest a misfortune occur. Further, in the event that he is unable to work and earn a living, due to some problem preventing him from doing so, his savings should be enough for him to use for the rest of his life. That said, if his wife gives birth to a child, or if he wants to marry another wife, or if he needs a servant, or if his child requires money then his earnings should suffice him. In general, expenditure should be less than earnings, so that one can set aside wealth for any misfortune that might occur, for this is what the mind; that reflects on consequences, commands, and what Hawa; that observes only the present state, is not concerned with.
It has been reported that Abul-Darda said, "From the deep understanding of a man is the precognition of his life." [Abu Nuaym, Al-Hilyah]
The Virtue of the Mind
Dispraise of Hawa (desires)
The Difference Between the Perspective of Mind and the Perspective of Hawa
Averting Passionate Love (Ishq)
Averting Gluttony (Sharah)
Refusing to take a Position of Authority in this world
Averting Stinginess
Prohibition on Squandering
Elucidation on the Amount of Earnings and Expenditure
Dispraise of Lying
Averting Envy
Averting Spitefulness
Averting Anger
Averting Arrogance
Averting Conceit
Averting Riya (Insincerity and Pretentiousness)
Averting Excessive Thinking
Averting Excessive Sadness
Averting Ghamm (Grief) and Hamm (Worry)
Averting Excessive Fear and Cautiousness of Death
Averting Excessive Happiness
Averting Indolence
Identifying One's Flaws
Motivating a Low Endeavor
Self Discipline
Disciplining Children
Disciplining and Handling Family and Slaves
Consorting with People
Flawlessness of Character